This also happen

We know that this 2021 may not be all joy, certainly not an ideal year either, as we would like. But you know something? Basically we have learned that it is in our hands to be able to look for those special moments, that make us feel good, for whatever reason!


These three words are the protagonists of a legend that narrates how a king had a beautiful ring made.

The story "The King and the Ring" tells the story of a king who gathers the wise men of the court to commission them a ring with a hidden message that could help him when he was sad. Faced with the difficulty of finding a small phrase with so much power, a servant handed him a small scroll that he only had to read in moments of desperation. Time passed and a day came when his kingdom was conquered. In that moment of adversity he remembered the ring and discovered the sentence it contained inside: "This too shall pass." The king, feeling more comforted, gathered his army and recovered his kingdom again...

You will wonder why I am telling you this story. We've been living a very different situation for a year, each with our own peculiarities and feelings, but it's like a great challenge, a test to overcome... and it seems we can't see the end. But one day it will come, yes, yes, it will come, and, just like the legend, "This too shall pass."

We know that this 2021 may not be all joy, certainly not an ideal year, as we would like. But you know something? Basically we have learned that it is in our hands to be able to look for those special moments, that make us feel good, for whatever reason! We can help you find these small moments of peace, relaxation, or simply disconnection from your routine!

And we have more! Because this year we have it loaded with experiences, news and collaborations.

... During the celebration, the servant asks him to remember the ring in this moment of joy. Faced with bewilderment, the king reads the phrase "This too shall pass" again. And that's when he realizes that the good times also come to an end.

Well, we create many good times!! IT ONLY DEPENDS ON YOU!! Let's add color to spring!! You deserve it.