Summary of the first semester of 2024 with airs from Sant Joan

As you must already know, we like to take care of the facilities and services, we want to tell you the news of the last few months😉. We update you on what we have been working on during the first semester of 2024;

Connecting with the Empordà - Last January marked a key moment for Apartments Gibert with our adherence to the Empordà brand. This decision not only reflects the love for the culture and essence of the region, but also offers you a wide range of very authentic local experiences during your stay: from tasting our gastronomy to discovering of wonderful landscapes and unique activities in the territory.

SICTED renewal - In March, we renewed our SICTED accreditation for another year, also achieving recognition in Corporate Social Responsibility. This renovation recognizes our desire to continuously improve, putting us at the forefront of responsible tourism.

Improvements to the Apartments -

  • In the Gibert III Building we are incorporating Gray Water Recovery with a clear commitment to sustainability, we have implemented gray water recovery. This investment not only reduces the environmental impact, but also reaffirms our commitment to the conservation of natural resources.

  • At the Gibert II Building, we have incorporated a dishwasher. This new addition allows our guests to relax without having to worry about household chores, offering them an even more enjoyable experience.

  • Sustainable amenities, From now on when you visit us you will see that as always our welcome products Eco, and as a novelty, we offer them with clothes bags and without plastic. (Notice that on the bag there is a label that says don't take it away from me because that way we can reuse it♻️ ) This initiative promotes a culture of waste reduction with the aim of reaching the Zero plastic waste.

After all these novelties, a brushstroke of the history of Sant Joan:

In the Baix Empordà, the festivity of Sant Joan is much more than a party; it is a manifestation rooted in the culture and history of the region.

Every June 23 comes alive to commemorate the summer solstice with a series of rituals and traditions that have endured throughout the centuries. 

Historically, Midsummer's Eve is linked to ancient pagan celebrations dedicated to the summer solstice, marking the longest time of the year. With the Christianization of the region, these festivities were integrated with the Christian celebrations in honor of Saint John the Baptist, adopting the name "Saint John".

One of the most emblematic traditions of this night in the Baix Empordà is the lighting of bonfires. These bonfires, in addition to illuminating the shortest night of the year, symbolize purification and rebirth, as well as protection against the evils of the coming winter.