Half-year summary and a bit of Carnival

We present to you the improvements of this last semester...

Introduction of dishwashers in the Gibert II Building, we have incorporated dishwashers in some of our apartments and given a different air to their kitchens.

We continue to train in AI to help us in our day-to-day jobs.

We take care of our environment! We continue to strive to introduce into our day-to-day management and practices that minimize the negative impact on our environment, either by reducing the use of non-recyclable materials such as plastic or by renovating household appliances for more efficient ones. Very soon we will add a section to our website to explain what we do and how we do it.

We are improving the service to the user - a few months ago we introduced a new QR where you will find all the information on activities in our area as well as tourist maps of the Baix Empordà. We also offer advice and small habits to make your stay more respectful of the natural resources that mother earth gives us.

And now a little history of the origins of Carnival

Carnaval, also known as Carnestoltes in Catalonia, is a festival that begins with Maas Thursday and ends with Ash Wednesday, marking the end before Lent.

Originally a pagan celebration to break free from the restrictions of Lent. Carnival involves costumes, dancing, singing and fun. Some theories suggest that the name may derive from "carru navilis", related to Roman feasts to Dionysius Bacchus.

Today, Carnival is a party of fun and transgression where people dress up and have fun anonymously, with satire and mockery of social conventions, following the popular motto "anything goes for Carnival!"