Gaudí Cycle in the Costa Brava


The cinema allows you to watch films on a big screen, in the dark, with quality sound and with a single focus of attention: a story. You immerse yourself in stories, characters and settings and for a moment you forget about the rest. A great little pleasure that cannot be missed among the cultural activities that take place on the Costa Brava...

Since 2016, when the Cicle Gaudí was launched, we have been lucky enough to be able to consume locally produced Catalan film premieres without having to travel too far. This project organized by the Catalan Cinema Academy promotes a stable circuit in Catalonia, which consists of taking 10 Catalan films each year, one each month, to a hundred towns throughout the territory. Get to places where you don't have easy access to big screens, either because of a lack of a cinema or because of the absence of programming in Catalan in nearby cinemas.

Since its birth, the Gaudí cycle has rapidly expanded throughout the territory, going from the 12 rooms with which they started in the province of Barcelona to the hundred that are part of the network that covers all of Catalonia and parts of abroad .

A commitment to local cinema that we enjoy and applaud!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

This last quarter of the year we have very close to us the reproduction of different films. If you want information on which towns and films are offered in the months of October, November and December, we leave you the link here.